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Watering tips

So excited that we are finally getting more consistent warmer temperatures in Markham and Toronto area ... the days are longer with more daylight, allowing us to squeeze in a bit of outdoor and family time at the end of our workday to relax and unwind.

While we are enjoying the nice temperature outside, don't forget this is also the critical time to start nurturing your lawn. After all, it's been a long winter while your lawn was under inches of snow and ice for months.

We are at full speed this week in delivering lawn care services to our customers and while driving through the residential areas in Markham and Richmond Hill we've noticed a lot of houses' front lawn are already dried up. We are also getting more sodding inquiries and customers seeking advises on what can be done to avoid dryness/scorches on the lawn.

It is our recommendation to water your lawn more frequently for the next couple of weeks, as spring time is when your lawn and plants recover from the cold winter months so it's important to provide consistent moisture and water to support their growth. A well nourish and healthy lawn will help it fight off weeds/undesired plants/pests.

Recommended frequency: Every other day

Recommended time: Early morning (before sun goes up) as evaporation is minimal and the lawn drinks most of the water. or Evening (45 min to 1 hr before sun goes down)

Do not water in the heat of the day as the sun will evaporate the water before it can soak in, and it will cause damage and scorch the grass.

Recommended duration: 15 min

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