Our first blog
Our very first blog...a recent conversation with our prospect, now turned customer :) has inspired me to share some thoughts on the topic about Weed Control here as our first blog post.
April has turned out to be the busiest month for us in terms of customer inquiries/quotations on complete lawn care packages, landscape or garden bed design requests, or individual services, e.g. lawn mowing, aeration, applying top soil and overseeding. One common interest from 98% of our customers: Weed Control.
There's a general perception on Weed Control that "the only way to fix a weed problem is to apply pesticide."
From our experience, to improve lawn quality and reduce weeds, it’ll require a combination of a few things: lawn mowing regularly, fertilizing at the right time/conditions, lawn raking (dethatching), overseeding, water your lawn regularly, and weed control. Weed control itself will only kill the weeds temporarily. Long term solution would be to improve the overall health and quality of your lawn. And we designed our packages with this in mind.
Some customers look for complete lawn care package and all they need to do is water their lawn, i.e. Package B - Premium and Package C - VIP are perfect for these customers.
Other customers would like to take care of certain lawn care tasks themselves, and therefore we designed other packages (Package E - Supplement and Package G - Core) to provide services that would work as complement to improve overall result.
Majority of our customers who signed up for 2015 lawn care services are located in Markham area, but we are happy to also be serving customers in other areas of GTA this season, i.e. Stouffville, Richmond Hill, North York, Scarborough, with expanded services to Woodbridge, Vaughan, Brampton and Etobicoke areas as well.
Hope you find this useful. Weather is finally warming up!! Will find another opportunity to share some tips and ideas on lawn care and maintenance.